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Concerned Citizens of NJ


Movie Night- The Ark of the Darkness


It's coming out in theaters soon, but we thought some of us might like to enjoy the experience together as a Gateway church family. The movie is called "Ark in the Darkness" and claims to be the most Biblically accurate, photo-realistic representation of Noah's Flood ever released in theaters. It reviews how the judgment of Noah’s Flood parallels the events in revelation that may soon be coming.


Click here for trailer--->

Free tickets>>

Movie Night- Unsafe and Ineffective

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NJSTANDSUP and CCNJ are joining forces to share with you, some of the most updated information regarding vaccine mandates, exemptions and policies. Where are we now in NJ?


Starting with a one hour screening of the newest documentary, titled "Unsafe and Ineffective",followed by a presentation and Q&A from one of NJ's most respected attorneys. John Coyle Esq. has been helping New Jersey residents since the beginning of this pandemic and has very good information to help you prepare for the next one they roll out.  For a sneak peek of the movie, please click here >>

Free Tickets>>

Comedy Night!

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Come join us for a night of laughter and help us continue in the fight to help Board of Ed candidates get elected who support parental rights and conservative values in our schools. 


It's the Pro-American comedy tour starring Paul Bond and Kevin Downey Jr. Two of the funniest right-wing comedians of our time. Catch them in Flemington NJ as they stop in for a night of true gut splitting laughter and come hang out with some true patriotic friends. For those of you who don't know Paul Bond, here is a short clip -->

Learn more about Kevin Downey JR. here -->


Tickets for this event are $20/person (online only) $30 at the door. Dinner and drinks are not included but all are welcome to come early to socialize with fellow patriots. There is dinner available from 5-7pm to purchase for those who wish to eat a' la carte.

Buy Tickets>>

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Check Out Our New School Board Website!

Did you know that CCNJ has been building a School Board website and forum where parents can connect with other parents in their school district?  The site also includes some Tools and Resources for parents such as how to run for your local school board.  Click Here to check it out>>

Reported VAX Reactions

Are you being pressured into taking an experimental vaccine in order to keep your job?  Please check out the news feeds below before making a decision.  Vaccine injuries & deaths are not rare.  

Warning: Sensitive Content 19+

Lose Someone To Remdesivir or other Covid-19 Hospital Protocols?

The CCNJ team is encouraging others to share their story on the site below. The COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Project is now worldwide and a local chapter has been set up here in New Jersey to help victims find help.


For those victims who are suffering long term adverse effects from the COVID 19 vaccine, click the link below.  React 19 is a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support. 

React 19 Website>>


       I want to thank all of you for having the willingness to step out of your comfort level and join me in this endeavor to gather fellow neighbors and collectively share with them knowledge and ideas which will help all of us traverse through these troubled times of government overeach and media censorship.

Just like you, I am extremely busy with daily life but have decided that our community and country are reaching a tipping point where we either remain silent and alone in darkness and lose all that our forefathers gave us or we stand up, wake up and start shedding light into that darkness and regain back our freedoms and prosperity.

So we formed a citizen group called Concerned Citizens of New Jersey with the intent, not to focus on divisive politics but an all inclusive group of people wanting to dive deeper into the facts and truth instead of just following headlines and narratives. A group of people wanting to network with fellow neighbors to share their knowledge, talents, goods and ideas and to build a sustainable community regardless of where our country is heading. 

We are finding local doctors wanting to speak about covid treatments and lawyers wanting to help protect you from mask and vaccine mandates. Local farmers and small businesses wanting to work together. Check out our Events page for more information on that.

Thank you again for taking a stand and I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting all of you soon,


Concerned Citizens of NJ
Hunterdon County chapter




     Bringing neighbors together, helping each other to gain knowledge and Support during these tough times of increasing government deception and tyranny.

     We believe that our founding fathers saw the inherent evil in government powers. That they took every step to divide up its power by handing it to each individual State and limiting its role only to secure the inalienable rights of each individual citizen. 

     We uphold the rights of all New Jerseyans to the full disclosure of information that is required for them to make sound decisions and the freedom to consent or deny anything that affects their health, wellbeing or quality of life. We aim to provide effective, factual, referenced material which can be used by community groups and individuals to voice their concerns about issues which affect their lives and those of their families. 
     This site will house resources such as brochures, letter templates, videos and information links. These are for use by individuals who wish to exercise their democratic right to voice their concerns through the official channels and in their communities. This site will also house links to important articles and video resources to provide information on Citizen's rights and current concerns that may affect the lives of all New Jerseyans. 

     Thank you for visiting this site. We invite you to subscribe so we can update you by email about resources, tools and events. 

     Your subscription will also enable us to stay in touch with you should Facebook or other information platforms become compromised. We will never share your details with any other parties.  

Many thanks for joining with us as a concerned citizen. You are not alone.

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