As a 501c(4) donations are not tax deductible
Banners 4 Freedom
Our great friends from Banners 4 Freedom are traveling through parts of Pennsylvania on a "Revolution Revival Tour". They have been doing amazing work spreading truth on billboards all across this great nation and deserve our full support. What better way than to show up in droves as they come through this area of the country: Tuesday, June 27th activities in Philly, Wednesday June 28th activities in Lancaster, Thursday June 29th activities also in Lancaster. Come join in the patriotism and fellowship as we honor God and our founding father's commitment to biblical principles. For those of you interested in attending, feel free to reach out to us as we will be planning carpools and groups to share in the experience. For more information on this event, please go to the Remnant Revolution website here: Remnant Revolution Tour>>
Any questions, please feel free to reach out to us as we are in contact with Robert whenever needed.

Turning Point USA Faith with charlie kirk and LET US WORSHIP with Sean Feucht will be coming together for evening of worship and prayer. The event will be taking place Friday June 30th at 7pm. Please come and join us as we gather to worship and to pray over our state and nation.
For more info on this event click here:
Tickets are free!!
New Jersey State Capitol
125 W State St
Trenton, NJ 08608